Share your passion for sax and unlock your best ever performances with transformative secrets straight from the pro stage...
Hi, I’m Jamie Anderson!
I’m a pro saxophonist and the founder of Get Your Sax Together, where I help enthusiastic saxophonists like you produce your best ever performances.
Talking of which...I bet you took up sax cos it was your life’s dream, but we both know it’s not as easy as it looks, right? Learning to improvise can feel overwhelming and we all know it can be challenging to get a full, pro-sounding tone.
Whatever frustrations you’ve got, I totally understand, cos believe me I’ve been there, but after decades of study I figured out how to get MY sax together and now I’m lucky enough to make my living playing all over the world and, more importantly, sharing my knowledge and experience with thousands of sax players, who’ve reported some amazing results...

Hannah said...
“This is amazing...I want to practice about 30 more times and see what else I can create...but I can already see, hear and feel the difference just 3 days has made. Your passion is contagious Jamie!"
Mark said...
“Your enthusiasm is incredible. I’ve probably learnt more about improvising in the last 3 days than I have in the last 3 years.”
Peter said...
“Jamie teaches you how to apply just a few notes and make it sound like a “pro” soloing. Practicing the lessons here really gets you results. I look forward to more wonderful “finds” after each practice.”
But something's been bugging me for years...
I’ve always known there’s one vital missing ingredient that I haven’t been able to offer, and that’s consistent, VIP access to the inside knowledge you only get as a working musician. The kind of pro stage experience that routinely gives my private students instant, earth shattering breakthroughs in our lessons.
Not being able to consistently share this gold has been niggling at the back of my brain for years, but for various reasons the time has never been right for me to offer you this kind of access to my world...until now!
Jeez Louise - I have to pinch myself that I get to rave about all the secrets of the trade that'll transform YOUR performances, so I can't tell you how excited I am to invite you (through the Stage Door of course) to the...
Get Your Sax Together 'Inner Circle Membership'

The Inner Circle Membership is...
An exclusive, subscription based online community and learning hub for passionate saxophonists like you, where I peel back the kimono and share all my best secrets to help you achieve your best ever performances. It’s a living/breathing community, with two-way communication, where I share ALL my best insights, to help you level up your performance and improve your skills.
It's all about fun, not overwhelm...
But hear this - it’s super important to me that you don’t feel overwhelmed by too much content that you can’t possibly check out, so the content is manageable and focused. Take as much or as little of the content as you feel you have the bandwidth for so you never get overwhelmed or feel like you're not keeping up.
I know you must be gagging to find out what you'll be getting inside the portal now...
Check out the awesome content you'll enjoy inside the Inner Circle...

The YouTube Backstage Pass
Imagine having me guide you through every weekly video, showing you all the secrets you never normally hear - the stuff that you could bang your head against the sheet music for years and never get out of your horn.

Inspirational Solo Of The Month
I’ll be the bridge between you and the great players, translating what they’re doing into simple lessons that you can apply straight away to your own performances. It’s the ultimate superhighway to success.

Monthly Live Q&A Coaching
Every month there’s a live Q and A coaching call where you can ask me anything you want. If it’s appropriate, you can even play for me live and I’ll diagnose your issue right there and then!

Access All Areas Vlog
Whether it’s straight from a festival stage, the pit of a top West End musical or an arena when I’m on tour, I’ll consistently be sharing all my best secrets and experiences to help you transform your performances.

Special Live Guests
You’ll get access to live guest sessions with some of the world’s top saxophonists. Imagine being able to ask anything you want to the legends who actually played your favorite songs!

The Practice Dojo
Slowly and methodically work on increasingly complex exercises until you can do them without even thinking about it. Don't stress yourself out though - sometimes you just wanna have fun with your sax.

The Backstage Hangout Community
This is the relaxed place to chat, post, comment, geek out on gear together, and you can take part in the monthly challenge to win a free lesson with me - all blissfully free from distraction, ads and click bait.
I bet you wanna know what your investment is to join the Inner Circle now, right?
Real world value - bearing in mind that a one hour lesson with me will cost you $130 an hour, you can see that the real value of the Inner Circle is literally hundreds of dollars a month. However, just to keep it to double figures at least, I set the price at...$97 a month
And that's exactly what the price will be in the future. However, I know that we're all feeling the pinch with the rising cost of living right now, so I took the bold decision to slash the initial price by more than half, to just...
$97.00 a month

Richard said...
"The thing that surprised me the most is the outpouring of positivity, both from Jamie and the other members"
Wayne said...
“There's a couple of sax schools, but this is the best!!”
Jeff said...
"The ICM is such an incredible wealth of information. You could spend thousands in private lessons over many years to get this kind of instruction">"
Let's talk about the elephant in the room...
There's a lotta membership options out there for you now as an enthusiastic hobby saxophonist. How do I know? Because I've been in them all! But I can tell you from direct experience...
The Inner Circle is different.
Nowhere else will you get the kind of frontline, practical know-how that'll give you more "Aha" moments than my sister's record player in 1985!
That's why I'm so excited about the Inner Circle - for the first time, you can see your favourite sax songs and solos through my eyes, and I'll be showing you exactly how to shape notes, choose cool sounding notes, vary your vibrato and perform with the right phrasing, which will instantly transform every one of your performances!
So...choose the payment option below that suits you best, click the Join Now button and join me in one super cool sax community...